《中国城市生活垃圾管理现状评估》数据显示,在过去的三十多年中,中国城市垃圾总量增加了5.8倍,垃圾量的快速增长成为可持续发展的障碍。随着全球经济的发展,全球垃圾总量也随之增多,对垃圾的清运和处理提出了更高的要求。城市垃圾处理的流程与技术是否跟得上城市经济发展的速度?我们通过CNKI上的论文资源,综合整理了中国、美国、德国、日本四个国家的城市垃圾处理流程,比较四个国家在城市垃圾处理流程上的异同,以学习借鉴。 The data which from China Municipal Solid Waste Management Situation Assessment shows that the total amount of municipal waste in China increased 5.8 times in in the past thirty years. The rapid growth in the amount of waste becomes an obstacle to sustainable development. With the development of global economy, the quantity of global total garbage also increased,for the removal and disposal of garbage put forward higher requirements. Could the process and technology of municipal waste disposal keep pace with the development of urban economy? Learning the paper resource on CNKI, we consolidate the municipal waste flow of China, the United States , Germany, and Japan, and compare similarities and differences among this four countries in the process of municipal waste to learn some experience.