2015年年末,河南新乡一大学生在其家乡猎捕16只国家二级保护动物燕隼和购买一只凤头鹰,而被判刑10年半,引发广泛热议。在此之下,普通公民在中国濒危鸟类上的认知缺乏也完全显现出来。根据北京猛禽救助中心年报数据,中国猛禽生存状态令人堪忧,该中心接救的大部分伤病猛禽都是由于人为伤害造成的,中国野生鸟类的宣传和保护有着严重的短板。本图依据《IUCN中国濒危鸟类红皮书》所列的86种鸟类,对他们的图像、基本信息以及分布区域进行梳理和整合,以期能够对提升公民鸟类认知有所帮助。 Information table of the distribution of endangered birds in China Abstract:In the end of 2015, a college student in Xinxiang,Henan province was sentenced for ten years,which drawn a wide public concern, because he captured 16 Eurasian Hobbies and brought a  Crested Goshawk in his hometown, while the former is enlisted as a second-class protected species in China.This shows the lack of awareness of endangered birds.According to the data reported annually from Beijing  Raptor Rescue Center,the living condition of raptors is worrying. The majority of inhured  raptors  survived by  the rescue center are hurt by human  activities, which indicates  insufficient promotion of protecting wild birds. Based on 86 kinds of birds listed in IUCN Red Data Book of China’s Endangered Birds , this table provides a detailed statement of systemic conformity about images and basic information of these birds, as well as their regional distribution, so as to deepen people’s knowledge about birds.