该信息图梳理了七大流域(长江、珠江、松花江、黄河、辽河、淮河、海河)2013-2015三年36月间的水质状况,呈现了各流域每月水质状况(优、良好、轻度污染、中度污染、重度污染)、水质类别(I -III类、劣V类)每月所占比重,以及七大流域污染严重城市河段的数量变化。纵向来看,36月间七大流域的水质状况总体有所改善,但并不显著,海河I -III类水质比重明显下降,劣v类水质比重增加,总体呈恶化趋势。横向来看,七大流域中长江、珠江水质状况较好,而海河、辽河污染较严重。正如2016年两会报告指出,未来几年水污染需要重拳治理,环保成为硬指标。 By sorting out the data of water quality of the seven major river basins from 2013 to 2015, we tried to present the water quality, the percentage of river sections which met Grade I-III national surface water quality standard and failed to meet Grade V standard,and finally the amount of cities's waters which were under pollution in some month.The inforgraphic demonstrats that although the water quality of seven major river basins has made some improvement,the effect is not remarkable. Some river basins were under continuously heavy pollution. There is still a long way to go in the control of water pollution.