我们一直说,动物是人类最好的伙伴。现实生活中,一些动物随着工业的发展和人类活动领域的扩张,逐渐稀少,甚至灭绝。 另一方面,生态的恶化促使我们越来越关注动物和参与到动物保护的进程中来,有一些动物种群在保护机制的作用下逐渐恢复生气。国内外热心环保的工作者通过纪录片这一更为大众化的形式向我们展示这些可爱动物们的特征和现状,传播正确保护动物的方法。我们选取了六部纪录片,分别纪录了虎、狮、北极熊、江豚、鲸和大象,并以它们为中心,通过搜集相关资料,更生动、全面展示动物及其保护知识,这其中包括了数量变化、栖息地改变以及相关的经济价值。 由这些数据发现,野生华南虎已经处于灭绝的极度危险境地;同样的,象牙价格在近年内一路飙升,大象的数量也由1970年代的130万头骤减至如今的40万头。这无疑表明了动物的灭绝和人类的贪婪之间有着直接的关联。 通过这部作品,旨在唤起人们对于动物保护的意识。虽然近几年濒危动物种类有所减少,栖息地环境也有了改善,但保护动物的任务依旧任重道远。 We have always said that animals are man's best partner. In real life, some of animals with the development of industrial and human activities in the field of expansion, increasingly scarce, even become extinct. On the other hand, the deterioration of environment makes us pay attention to animals and involved in the process of animal protection more and more. Some animal species under the protection mechanism revitalised gradually. Keen environmentalist at home and abroad showed us the characteristics and status of lovely animals through more popular form,documentary, and the right way of animals protection. We choose six documentary, respectively recorded the tigers, lions, bears, dolphins, whales and elephants, to display animals and their protection knowledge, including the number of change, habitat change and the associated economic value. According to the statistics, the South-Chinese tigers are facing extreme danger situation which means they would die out in the wild place. Similarly, the sharp rise of ivory price has made the amount of elephants decreased from 1,300,000 to 400,000 in the past 3 decades. all of these figures clearly indicate that there is a direct relation between animal distinction and human hunts. We hope that this product we made can evoke the awareness of animal protection of human beings, though the amount of endangered species has rose up and the environment of animal inhabitants have changed better in recent years, the responsibility of animal protection is never too easy to do.