参赛者:范琛炜 吴蒙雨
促进“新能源汽车”产业的发展,成为今年两会释放的一大绿色信号。 新能源汽车产量逐年攀升,来自中央和地方的政策支持功不可没。购买政府补助目录内的指定车型,购车者可以省去一笔数量可观的费用。随着政策推广力度不断加强,越来越多的购车者选择购置免征购置税的车型。 不过较低的购车成本并非影响消费者决策的唯一原因。北京、上海两地民调显示,超过50%的受访者都将“节能环保”列为购置新能源汽车的首要原因。根据学者研究,新能源汽车能源消耗远小于传统汽车。 本作品通过梳理新能源汽车产销量、政策补贴、民意调查和能源消耗等数据,管窥中国新能源汽车产业,推广新能源汽车补贴政策,提升公众环保意识。 Promoting the new-energy vehicle industry came in as a new spotlight during the NPC and CPPCC sessions this year. Without the solid support from both the central and local government, the production of new-energy vehicle would not have skyrocketed in the past few years. Buying cars that were qualified for government subsidy could help consumers spare a large sum of money. As policies were gradually known by the public, the production of the subsidized models greatly outnumbered unsubsidized ones. The low cost for new-energy vehicles, however, was not the only factor that stimulated its sale. According to polls conducted in Beijing and Shanghai, over 50% interviewees claimed that the environmental-friendliness of the new-energy vehicles was their first priority. Various studies came to the conclusion that the new-energy vehicle was much more eco-friendly than traditional ones. Our work takes a close look at the new-energy vehicle industry in China, including its production, subsidies, public attitudes towards it and its consumption of energy. By this work, we expect to delineate a rough sketch of the new-energy vehicle industry in China, help communicate related policies and raise public awareness on environmental issues.