Facing the skyrocketing housing prices, land reclamation seems to be a life-saving draw for the government. There is just 2000 square kilometers land area of Shenzhen, which accounting for less than 1/8 that of Beijing. However, Shenzhen carries 10.77 million people and 1.75 trillion yuan GDP ranking the fourth in China. You can sense the scarcity and the strong desire for land almost everywhere. It asks for land urgently, and of course, by reclaiming from the enormous sea. But the   negative effects of land reclamation have already appeared. Where is the ultimate boundaries of land and sea in Shenzhen? 人多地少,深圳土地面积不足2000平方公里,却承载着1077万人口和位居全国第四的17500亿元GDP。 在这块不足北京1/8的土地上,处处显现着深圳对土地的拮据和渴望。向大海要地,便成了这座滨海城市38年来最常见的土地扩容之举。 然而,填海造地带来的负面影响早已显现。深圳海陆的最终界限,将会在哪里?